Archived Products

Nursery Rhyme Napkin Ring William Kerr 1900 Yellow Birdie

.Nursery Rhyme Napkin Ring William Kerr 1900 Yellow Birdie

code: n1222

American sterling silver Time to Rise Nursery Rhyme napkin ring with the verse: A Birdie with a yellow bill Hopped upon the window sill by William Kerr. This beautiful napkin ring measures 1 7/8" in diameter, 1" tall and weighs 24 grams. The excellent original condition, clear detail, monogrammed Betty, no repairs or alterations, make this an especially attractive offering.


Tiffany And Company Mixed Metals Presentation Cup 1909

.Tiffany And Company Mixed Metals Presentation Cup 1909

code: wb3461

American mixed metals copper and sterling silver presentation cup, Tiffany and Company 1909. This handsome cup measures 3 3/8" tall, 3 1/4" across the handle and weighs 171 grams. This unique cup is inscribed Naval Militia, Interstate Contest for Ten - Oared Cutters 1909 First Prize won by 1st Batt. N.M.N.Y.


Tiffany And Co Sterling Silver Art Deco Blossom Bowl 1941

.Tiffany And Co Sterling Silver Art Deco Blossom Bowl 1941

code: wb3465

American sterling silver Art Deco bowl by Tiffany and Company Silversmiths, pattern date 1941, production date c.1947. This elegant small serving bowl has a central beaded border medallion set into a five petaled clover shaped recess and scalloped edges. Weighing a substantial 170 grams or 5.5 ozs. Troy, this special serving bowl is 5 1/8" in diameter and 1 1/8" deep. The excellent original condition and clear detail, with no monograms or removals, repairs or alterations, make this an especially attractive offering.


Repousse Bowl Wood And Hughes Sterling Silver 1880

.Repousse Bowl Wood And Hughes Sterling Silver 1880

code: wb3457

American sterling silver bowl with beautiful allover floral Repousse decorations, gold wash interior, made by Wood And Hughes, c.1880. This beautiful bowl measures 5 1/8" in diameter, 2 1/8" tall and weighs 179 grams or 5.8 ozs Troy. The soft, warm, original finish is present, with no buffing or machine polishing. The excellent original condition and clear, crisp detail, with no monograms, removals, repairs or alterations, make this an especially attractive offering.


Cloak Buttons Crowned Horseman Medallion Dutch 833 Standard Silver 1890

.Cloak Buttons Crowned Horseman Medallion Dutch 833 Standard Silver 1890

code: wb3460

Dutch 833 standard large cloak clasp button set, c.1890. We can′t find a date mark, only the assay mark and the Dutch lion. These buttons could be older. The buttons are joined by a silver elliptical loop, with each button having a large medallion of a crowned horseman over the date MDCCXI or 1711 and a border with a lengthy Latin inscription. The medallion is surrounded by scroll work engraving and an applied gadroon rim. This unusual coat holder measures 6 3/4" long, the diameter of each buttons is 3 3/8", with the set weighing 113 grams or 3.6 ozs Troy. The soft, warm, original finish is present, with no buffing or machine polishing. The excellent original condition and clear, crisp detail, with no monograms, removals, repairs or alterations, make this an especially attractive offering.


Mistress Match Safe Baroque Scroll Battin Sterling Silver 1900 Monogram ALM

.Mistress Match Safe Baroque Scroll Battin Sterling Silver 1900 Monogram ALM

code: wb3455

American sterling silver Mistress match safe in a Baroque scroll design by he Battin Company of Newark New Jersey, c.1900. This ornate, unusual portrait match safe even includes your very own mistress portrait with the original glass cover. The hinged front cover has an ornate, period script monogram: ALM. Both hinges are clean and tight, with the spring action working well. The interior of the safe is lightly gilt. Weighing 32 grams, this elegant and scarce match safe is 2 3/4" long, 1 1/2" wide and 3/8" thick. Monogrammed as described above, the soft, warm, original finish is present, with no buffing or machine polishing. The excellent original condition and clear detail, with no removals, repairs or alterations, make this an especially attractive offering.


Coin Silver Basket Gorham Ball Engine Truned 1860 No Monogram

.Coin Silver Basket Gorham Ball Engine Truned 1860 No Monogram

code: wb3456

American coin silver swing handle basket by Gorham Silversmiths, c.1860. This unusually attractive basket has applied ball borders on its rim and raised circular foot and a swing handle with acanthus leaf mounts and balls on the ends and along the top of the stippled finished handle surface. The tapered body has allover engine turned decorations surrounding two blank oval engraved floral, foliate and scroll cartouches. The handle hinges are clean and tight, with the handle staying in place. Weighing 231 grams or 7.4 ozs. Troy, this elegant basket is 6 3/4" tall to the top of the handle, 4 1/2" tall to the rim and 4 3/8" in diameter. The soft, warm, original finish is present, with no buffing or machine polishing. The excellent original condition and clear, crisp detail, with no monograms, removals, repairs or alterations, make this an especially attractive offering..


Insect Napkin Ring Sterling Silver Vansant And Co 1875

.Insect Napkin Ring Sterling Silver Vansant And Co 1875

code: n1214

American sterling silver napkin ring with embossed insect decorations by Vansant & Co, 1875. This beautiful napkin ring measures 1 3/4" in diameter, 1 3/4" tall and weighs 37 grams or 1.2 ozs Troy. Monogrammed SFC, the soft, warm, original finish is present, with no buffing or machine polishing. The excellent original condition and clear detail, with no removals, repairs or alterations, make this an especially attractive offering.


Figural Pond Lily Leaf Napkin Ring Whiting Sterling Silver 1875

.Figural Pond Lily Leaf Napkin Ring Whiting Sterling Silver 1875

code: n1217

American sterling silver figural napkin ring by Whiting, c.1875. This elegant napkin ring is 2 1/2" longth of the base, 2" in diameter and weighs 36 grams. The excellent original condition and clear detail, with no monograms or removals, repairs or alterations, make this an especially attractive offering.


Floral Scroll Shell Napkin Ring Repousse Whiting Stereling Silver 1890 Edna

.Floral Scroll Shell Napkin Ring Repousse Whiting Stereling Silver 1890 Edna

code: n1219

American sterling silver ornate floral shell and scroll napkin ring by Whiting, c.1890 with a script inscription: Edna. This attractive napkin ring is 1 7/8" in diameter ,1 1/2" tall and weighs 33 grams. Inscribed as described above, the soft, warm, original finish is present, with no buffing or machine polishing. The excellent original condition and clear detail, with no removals, repairs or alterations, make this an especially attractive offering.


Chinese Export Silver Egg Cup Cherry Blossom 1900

.Chinese Export Silver Egg Cup Cherry Blossom 1900

code: wb3447

Chinese Export Silver egg cup with applied cherry blossoms, c.1900. This darling cup measures 2 3/4" tall, 1 7/8" in diameter and weighs 45 grams or 1.4 ozs. Troy. The soft, warm, original finish is present, with no buffing or machine polishing. The excellent original condition and clear, crisp detail, with no monograms, removals, repairs or alterations, make this an especially attractive offering.


Art Nouveau Bee Cigarette Case 800 Silver

.Art Nouveau Bee Cigarette Case 800 Silver

code: wb3448

German 800 silver Art Nouveau cigarette case with Repousse floral and bee decorations, c.1890. This elegant cigarette case has a gilt interior and measures 3 3/4" long, 2 1/2" wide and weighs 65 grams or 2 ozs Troy. The soft, warm, original finish is present, with no buffing or machine polishing. The excellent original condition and clear, crisp detail, with no monograms, removals, repairs or alterations, make this an especially attractive offering.


Figural House Japanese Salt And Pepper Shakers 950 Sterling No Mono

.Figural House Japanese Salt And Pepper Shakers 950 Sterling No Mono

code: wb3449

Japanese 950 sterling silver figural house salt and pepper shakers, c.1930. These beautiful shakers measure 1 7/8" long, 3/4" wide, 1 1/2" tall and weigh a total of 45 grams or 1.4 ozs Troy. The soft, warm, original finish is present, with no buffing or machine polishing. The excellent original condition and clear, crisp detail, with no monograms, removals, repairs or alterations, make this an especially attractive offering.


Repousse Baby Cup Wood And Hughes Sterling Silver 1880

.Repousse Baby Cup Wood And Hughes Sterling Silver 1880

code: wb3450

American sterling silver repousse baby cup by Wood And Hughes, c.1880. This beautiful cup is 3" tall, 4 1/2" across the handle and weighs 143 grams or 4.6 ozs Troy. The excellent original condition and clear detail, with no monograms or removals, repairs or alterations, make this an especially attractive offering.


Russian 84 Standard Silver Engraved Podstakannik Tea Glass Holder 1888

.Russian 84 Standard Silver Engraved Podstakannik Tea Glass Holder 1888

code: wb3438

Russian 84 Standard Silver tea glass holder or Podstakannik, Moscow 1888. This beautiful tea glass holder with swan floral and foliate engravings measures 3 1/4" tall to the tip of the handle, 3 1/8" diameter of the base and it weighs 110 grams or 3.53 ozs Troy. The excellent original condition and clear, crisp detail, with no monograms, removals, repairs or alterations, make this an especially attractive offering. The soft, warm, original finish is present, with no buffing or machine polishing.


Figural Corn Holders All Sterling Silver Pair Mauser 1900

.Figural Corn Holders All Sterling Silver Pair Mauser 1900

code: wb3439

American sterling silver figural all silver corn holders, sold by the pair, by the Mauser Manufacturing Company, c.1890 - 1910. These nicely detailed figural corn holders measure 4" long and weigh 14 grams each. The excellent original condition and clear, crisp detail, with no monograms, removals, repairs or alterations, make this an especially attractive offering. The soft, warm, original finish is present, with no buffing or machine polishing. The price is for one pair. 


Bon Bon Spoon Figural Cherub Gorham Sterling Silver 1880

.Bon Bon Spoon Figural Cherub Gorham Sterling Silver 1880

code: wb3442

American sterling silver Bon Bon spoon in the number 592 pattern by Gorham Silversmiths, c.1880. The handle features a full featured Sea Nymph with the gilt, open work bowl having nude female figures on either side of a roaring lion atop a dove. The rest of the bowl is embellished with shell scroll and floral wreath decorations. This beautiful figural spoon measures 6" long and weighs 56 grams. The soft, warm, original finish is present, with no machine polishing no monograms or removals, repairs or alterations, make this an especially attractive offering. Thank You for viewing our silver!


Cake Basket Gorham Sterling Silver Swing Handle 1890

.Cake Basket Gorham Sterling Silver Swing Handle 1890

code: wb3441

American sterling silver cake basket with a wide applied open work scroll and floral boarder, made by Gorham Silversmiths, date marked for 1914. The body, which sits on a circular base, has conforming chased decorations surrounding an ornate, period script monogram: CER. The ornate cast handle and mounts are in excellent condition and there is a blank reserve on the top of the handle, which stays in place, as the hinge is clean and tight. This beautiful basket measures 11 3/4" in diameter, 6" tall to the handle, it weighs a very substantial 897 grams or 29 ozs Troy. Monogrammed as described above, the soft, warm, original finish is present, with no buffing or machine polishing. The excellent original condition, clear detail, with no removals, repairs or alterations, make this an especially attractive offering.


Chinese Export Silver Desk Sander Seal Turtle 1890

.Chinese Export Silver Desk Sander Seal Turtle 1890

code: wb3443

Chinese export silver ornate sander and wax seal c. 1880 - 1900. Each of these extraordinary items sits on a dragon faced turtle base, with the turtle of the sander having four feet sitting on on an oval base with 9 piercings underneath. The feet of the turtle seal are chased on the side of the body. The underside of the turtle seal has Chinese characters engraved deeply enough to leave their impression in sealing wax. Both tops have 4 intricately detailed 4-toed dragons, with the sander′s removable top having 18 holes. There are old style Chinese characters on both sides of each top between the dragons. On one side is engraved Peking (Beijing), on the other: Good Fortune (Fu) and Long Life (Shou). The sides of each piece have Chinese characters flanked by 4-toed dragons. Weighing a total of 142 grams or 4.6 ozs. Troy. The seal is 3 1/4" tall and 2 1/8" - 1 1/4" with the sander being 4 7/8" tall and 3 1/8" - 1 3/4". Inscribed as described above, the soft, warm, original finish is present, with no buffing or machine polishing. The excellent original condition and clear detail, with no removals, repairs or alterations, make this an especially attractive offering.


Acorn Coin Silver Set 10 Teaspoons Farrington And Hannewell

.Acorn Coin Silver Set 10 Teaspoons Farrington And Hannewell

code: wb3429

American coin silver set of 10 teaspoons in an Acorn pattern by Farrington and Hannewell, Boston 1850. These beautiful spoons have a double struck ornate acorn pattern. They measure 6 1/8" long and weigh a total of 348 grams or 11.2 ozs Troy. Monogrammed AMD From CWJ, the soft, warm, original finish is present, with no buffing or machine polishing. The excellent original condition and clear detail, with no removals, repairs or alterations, make this an especially attractive offering.


Persian Hand Engraved Sectional Serving Bowl 900 Silver 1900

.Persian Hand Engraved Sectional Serving Bowl 900 Silver 1900

code: wb3431

Persian 900 silver four sectional serving dish, c.1900. This beautiful hand engraved server measures 9 3/4" diagonally, or 7 1/2" square and weighs 287 grams or 9.2 ozs Troy. The excellent original condition and clear, crisp detail, with no monograms, removals, repairs or alterations, make this an especially attractive offering. The soft, warm, original finish is present, with no buffing or machine polishing.


Georg Jensen Antelope Pin or Brooch 256

.Georg Jensen Antelope Pin or Brooch 256

code: wb3432

Danish sterling silver Kneeling Deer brooch by Georg Jensen. This handsome Art Deco pin measures 1 3/4" x 1 1/2" (45 x 35 cm). The excellent original condition and clear, crisp detail, with no monograms, removals, repairs or alterations, make this an especially attractive offering. The soft, warm, original finish is present, with no buffing or machine polishing.


Jaccard and Co Early Coin Silver Small Cup St Louis Coin Silver 1840 No Monogram

.Jaccard and Co Early Coin Silver Small Cup St Louis Coin Silver 1840 No Monogram

code: wb3435

American coin silver small cup or mug by Jaccard and Company of St Louis, c.1840 - 1850. This nice, diminutive bellied body cup is 2 1/2" tall, 2 3/8" in diameter, 3 1/2" across the reverse C scroll handle and weighs 49 grams or 1.6 ozs. Troy. Cups of this size were sometimes used as Kiddish cups and are very scarce. The soft, warm, original finish is present, with no buffing or machine polishing. The excellent original condition and clear, crisp detail, with no monograms, removals, repairs or alterations, make this an especially attractive offering.


Turkish Coffee Pot Sterling Silver Repousse Whiting 1880

.Turkish Coffee Pot Sterling Silver Repousse Whiting 1880

code: wb3436

American sterling silver Turkish style coffee pot with allover floral Repousse decorations, Whiting, c.1880. This beautiful pot measures 9" tall and weighs 402 grams or 13 ozs Troy. Monogrammed, under the base in ornate, period script: MWB, the soft, warm, original finish is present, with no buffing or machine polishing. The excellent original condition and clear detail, with no removals, repairs or alterations, make this an especially attractive offering.


Ephraim Brasher Teapot Stand American Colonial Federal Coin Silver 1770 - 1790

.Ephraim Brasher Teapot Stand American Colonial Federal Coin Silver 1770 - 1790

code: wb3427

American Late Colonial or Early Federal teapot stand by Ephraim Brasher of New York City, c.1770 - 1790. This wonderful teapot tray is 7 5/8" long, 5 3/8" wide, 7/8" tall and weighs 205 grams or 6.6 ozs. Troy. It bears the EB mark of Brasher′s, stamped twice, and a later mark: Old Silver, likely applied by an early 20th Century silver dealer. Seymour Wyler was known to have marked his antique silver in such fashion. Not generally practiced by dealers in Antique Silver today, such a mark adds interest to this already special piece. The center of the tray has a later monogram: MME. There are no removals and the scroll feet are in excellent condition. Monogrammed as described above, the soft, warm, original finish is present, with no buffing or machine polishing. The excellent original condition and clear detail, with no removals, repairs or alterations, make this an especially attractive offering. This is truly a rare form from an iconic American Silversmith. Ephraim Brasher (pronounced Bray-zher) lived just a few feet from President Washington in New York. Washington resided at 3 Cherry Street and Brasher lived next door at 1 Cherry Street. Some sources give the address of Brasher as 5 Cherry Street. Cherry Hill was a fashionable section of New York in the 18th century, located just north of the Manhattan side of the present day Brooklyn Bridge. His business address was 77 Queen Street, not too far north of his home. Brasher was born in 1744 and lived to 1810, the entire 66 years a resident of New York City. He was married to Anne Gilbert on November 8, 1766. Ann was a sister of another New York silversmith, William Gilbert. Some sources state that Brasher did not have any children with Anne, or with his second wife, Mary Austin, whom he married in 1797, sometime after Anne’s death. Other sources suggest that he did. Indeed, an article by Richard Bagg and Q. David Bowers in the February 1980 issue of The Numismatist, “Ephraim Brasher, Originator of the Famous Brasher Doubloon,” mentions Ephraim’s great-great-great granddaughter, Deborah. This alone would suggest that he did have children. Ephraim and Abraham Brasher both served their apprenticeship with a silversmith, whose name (or names) are not known today. Ephraim took his studies seriously, and today there is beautiful silverware that survives with his counterstamp. Little is known about Abraham or his work, but Ephraim did excellent work and many pieces of his craft are seen in New York and New England museums. Brasher was also a respected member of the community. In his March 1987 Coinage article, “The Brasher Bicentennial,” David T. Alexander noted: “In the late 1700’s, silversmiths and goldsmiths were particularly respected members of the community, often acting as bankers, assayers, and authenticators of the Babel of gold and silver coins of the world which circulated in the bullion-starved colonies and the new republic.” Not only were Washington and Brasher neighbors, but Washington was also a customer of Brasher. He owned numerous silver pieces made by Brasher, including a number of silver skewers with a surviving receipt. It was certainly important for Washington to make a good impression at state dinners, which he did with the assistance of his Brasher silver. Ephraim Brasher was a member of the New York Provincial Army in 1775 and 1776, serving the role of grenadier. He retired from the militia in 1796 with the rank of Major. Later, he served local politics in New York, almost like serving national posts at the time. New York was the leader of banking and foreign trade, and was also the new national capital. Brasher served on the New York Evacuation Committee in 1783, marking the departure of British troops from New York City. He also served as sanitary commissioner from 1784 to 1785, coroner from 1786 to 1791, assistant justice from 1794 to 1797, election inspector from 1796 to 1809, and commissioner of excise from 1806 to 1810. In addition to all of his service, and his private business affairs, Brasher served the United States Mint in the early 1790s. This is known from a Treasury Warrant in the amount of $27, paid to John Shield as “assignee of Ephraim Brasher.” This warrant was specifically identified as a payment for assaying work that Brasher performed in 1792 for the Mint, following instructions of the Secretary of the Treasury. CLICK HERE for more on Brasher


Henry R Percival Christening Cup 1854 Leonard Wilson Coin Silver 1854

.Henry R Percival Christening Cup 1854 Leonard Wilson Coin Silver 1854

code: wb3434

American coin silver christening cup of the noted Episcopalian writer Henry R. Percival by Leonard and Wilson of Philadelphia, c.1850. This elegant engraved octagonal cup has bands of die rolled shell and foliate decorations on the rim and the raised base and chased Acanthus leaf decorations on a stippled background. The inscription on three of the panels reads: Presented to Henry R Percival by Philip P. Green 1854. Percival, who was born in Philadelphia, died there in 1903 at the age of 49. He wrote several highly regarded Theological works, including The Seven Ecumenical Councils of the Undivided Church and was a Doctor of Divinity and a Master of Arts. Leonard and Wilson was in business in Philadelphia from 1847 - 1850 and became R and W Wilson when Leonard left the firm. Marked L & W Standard, this historically significant christening mug is 3 1/4" tall, 3 1/8" in diameter, 4 1/4" across the C shaped handle and weighs 121 grams or 3.9 ozs. Troy. Inscribed as described above, the soft, warm, original finish is present, with no buffing or machine polishing. The excellent original condition and clear detail, with no removals, repairs or alterations, make this an especially attractive offering.


Art and Crafts Tablespoon Theodore Pond KWO-NE-SHE Sterling Silver 1913

.Art and Crafts Tablespoon Theodore Pond KWO-NE-SHE Sterling Silver 1913

code: wb3423

American Arts and Crafts style hand made, hammered tablespoon by Theodore Hanford Pond of Baltimore Maryland. A writer, lecturer, educator, craftsman, and museum director, Theodore Pond attended Pratt Institute from 1888 to 1892. He subsequently designed glass for Tiffany Studios, held various academic positions, including teaching at the Rhode Island School of Design, and directed the Pond Applied Arts Studios from 1911 to 1914. Core to his belief was that metalsmiths should be able to execute their pieces from beginning to end. What he did make was all done by hand, by himself. As such, his pieces are hard to find. This very desirable spoon is 8 3/8" long and weighs 68 grams or 2.2 ozs. Troy. It is marked Sterling, Pond and has the KWO-NE-SHE hand wrought Dragonfly mark. KWO-NE-SHE is Chippewa for dragonfly, and was used in Longfellow′s Song of Hiawatha. It retains its wonderful hammered finish and has a contemporary Arts and Crafts style monogram: LBP on the front of the handle. Monogrammed as described above, the soft, warm, original finish is present, with no buffing or machine polishing. The excellent original condition and clear detail, with no removals, repairs or alterations, make this an especially attractive offering.


Etruscan Homeric Set 54 Pieces Shiebler 1880 Sterling Silver Monogram K

.Etruscan Homeric Set 54 Pieces Shiebler 1880 Sterling Silver Monogram K

code: wb3422

American sterling silver hammered 54 piece set in the Homeric or Etruscan pattern by George W. Shiebler of New York City, c.1880. Seldom seen other than a piece or two at a time, it is extraordinary to see this many pieces with matching monograms in an ornate, period script: K. One of the most remarkable features of this set is that the medallion portraits of the Gods and Goddesses not only vary among the different pieces, but there are different portraits on both sets of forks and the tree sets of spoons, save for a repeat on 2 of the dessert spoons. Multi-motif patterns are not uncommon, but is unheard of for there to be so many dies being cut for a single pattern. The expense of cutting so many different steel dies to produce this pattern is certainly one reason for its scarcity and short production period. The initial retail price must have been well above even the premium patterns of the time. The set consists of 54 pieces as follows:
  • 11 Dinner Forks 8" long
  • 11 Dessert Forks 7" long
  • 12 Dessert or Oval Soup Spoons 6 7/8" long
  • 9 teaspoons 6" long
  • 11 Tablespoons 8 7/8" long
  • Total weight 2545 grams or 81.8 ozs. Troy
Each of the pieces is hand hammered and engraved with differing geometric and aesthetic designs, save again for the two matching dessert spoons. All of the pieces have an ornate, period script monogram: K on the backs of the handles. Monogrammed as described above, the soft, warm, original finish is present, with no buffing or machine polishing. The excellent original condition and clear detail, with no removals, repairs or alterations, make this an especially attractive offering. The opportunity to acquire a matching set of this size in such a rare pattern is not likely to occur any time soon. CLICK HERE for more on Brasher


Tiffany Napkin Rings Boxed Set 6 1864 Coin Silver

.Tiffany Napkin Rings Boxed Set 6 1864 Coin Silver

code: n1212

American coin silver boxed set of 6 napkin rings by Tiffany and Company, 550 and 552 Broadway, New York City, c.1864. This wonderful boxed set of 6 Civil War era Tiffany napkin rings cab be dated from the 550 & 552 Broadway address which was only used for a short period during the Civil War. Each of these bright cut engraved, engine turned napkin rings is 1 3/4" in diameter and 1 1/2" tall, with the 6 weighing a total of 184 grams or 5.9 ozs. Troy. The blue satin and blue green velvet lined box is in remarkably good condition. The soft, warm, original finish is present, with no buffing or machine polishing. The excellent original condition and clear, crisp detail, with no monograms, removals, repairs or alterations, make this an especially attractive offering.


Repousse Sandwich Plate Scalloped Edge S Kirk Inc 1925 Sterling Silver

.Repousse Sandwich Plate Scalloped Edge S Kirk Inc 1925 Sterling Silver

code: wb3421

American sterling silver sandwich serving plate in the Repousse pattern by S. Kirk and Son Inc. Silversmiths, c.1925. This elegant and useful scalloped edgfe serving plate has an ornate, period central monogram FMH and is 10 1/2" in diameter, weighing 472 grams or 15.1 ozs. Troy. The excellent original condition and clear detail, with no removals, repairs or alterations, make this an especially attractive offering. The soft, warm, original finish is present, with no buffing or machine polishing.
